Global Theatre Histories

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International Workshop: Mapping (Global) Theatre Histories

organized by Christopher Balme, Nic Leonhardt and Gero Tögl. twm Munich, Germany, 26-28 April, 2013

26.04.2013 – 28.04.2013


GTH team Munich
Robert Allen (University of North Carolina, American Studies, DH)
Jonathan Bollen (Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia)
Hannah Crawforth (King’s College, London, English Dept)
Frank Hildy (University of Maryland),
Pamela Lach (University of North Carolina, DH)
Stephan Lücke (LMU, IT Department for the Humanities)
Christian Riepl (LMU, IT Department for the Humanities ITGW),
James Smith (Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH))
Paul Vetch (King’s College, London, Digital Humanities)
Gordon Winder (LMU Munich, Geography)
Doug Reside (Digital Curator, New York Public Library for the Performing Arts)

