Global Theatre Histories

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Gero Toegl, Dipl.-Dram.

Postdoctoral Researcher

Gero Tögl completed his doctoral thesis "The Bayreuth Enterprise 1848 - 1914 with a successful defense at the institute for theatre studies, LMU university of Munich, in January 2015.

Born 1984 in Graz/Austria, Gero Toegl studied Dramaturgy, Communication Studies, Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at Ludwig-Maximilians-University from which he graduated in July 2009. From September 2006 to July 2007 he visited King’s College London as a Socrates/Erasmus-student, and in October 2013 the University of California, Berkeley as Visiting Student Researcher via the "LMU-UCB Research in the Humanities" program. 

Gero Toegl worked for Pathos Transport Theatre Munich 2004-2012 as a Dramaturg and Assistant Director. He  completed internships at Schauspielhaus Graz and Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel. In academia, he has been teaching at LMU Munich, Theatre Studies Department (since 2010), the Bavarian Theatre Academy (winter 2012), as well as at the private Acting School DAS-Zerboni in Munich (since 2015). 

His research interests concern theatre history in the context of media theory, Actor-Network-Theory, Computer Game Studies, and the institutional history of the Bayreuth Festival. 

Research Projects

DFG-Reinhart-Koselleck-Projekt „Global Theater Histories. Modernization, public spheres and transnational theatrical networks 1860-1990” (Prof. Dr. Christopher Balme)

LMUexchellent Projekt „ Theatrescapes. Theatrescapes. Mapping Global Theatre Histories.” (Dr. Nic Leonhardt)



Tögl, Gero (2015): The Bayreuth Enterprise. 1848-1914. Dissertation. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München. Theaterwissenschaft.

Tögl, Gero (2009): Konstruktion und Erfahrung von Welten. Die Erscheinungen der Martha Rubin als Beispiel für die Remediatisierung des Theaters durch die Neuen Medien. Diplomarbeit. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München. Theaterwissenschaft.


Tögl, Gero (2016): Wahnfried’s Worldwide Webs: Digital Theatre History of the late 19th Century- A case study. In: Nic Leonhardt (Hg.): Routledge Companion to Digital Humanities in Theatre and Performance. London: Routledge, (in preparation).

Tögl, Gero (2012): "This place is not much of a fucking holiday!" Simulation und Freiheit in Sandbox Games am Beispiel von Grand Theft Auto IV. In: Jörg von Brincken (Hg.): Emotional Gaming. Gefühlsdimensionen des Computerspielens. 1. Aufl. München: epodium (Intervisionen, 10), S. 153–169.

Tögl, Gero (2011): Remediating Theatre: From Grand Theft Auto to The Ruby Town Oracle. In: Jörg von Brincken (Hg.): Fictions, Realities. New forms and interactions. München: Meidenbauer (Fiction and Reality, 2), S. 21–38.


Tögl, Gero (2014) zu: Katharina Pewny: Das Drama des Prekären. Über die Wiederkehr der Ethik in Theater und Performance. Bielefeld: Transcript 2011. In: Forum Modernes Theater 2011 [2014] (26), S. 233–235.